Sally Rosenbaum Fine Art

California Impressionist

  • writing books
  • 200 pages Sally Rosenbaum writing book "Dear Jenny"

200 pages Sally Rosenbaum writing book "Dear Jenny"

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200 pages Sally Rosenbaum writing book "Dear Jenny"


free shipping in the USA journal meaures pages 8 x 10 and is paperback. Convenient to carry in your purse. Cover art by Sally Rosenbaum. Her work is published by Amazon, Papyrus fine paper, American Greetings and Pottery Barn. Enjoy filling the 200 pages and saving the jourals to complete a "collection."

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

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free shipping in the USA journal meaures pages 8 x 10 and is paperback. Convenient to carry in your purse. Cover art by Sally Rosenbaum. Her work is published by Amazon, Papyrus fine paper, American Greetings and Pottery Barn. Enjoy filling the 200 pages and saving the jourals to complete a "collection."

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

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200 page writing book with hi resolution cover of SUMMER OF INNOCENCE